Spectrum Word Problems Grade 7

Product Number: EDM13944, 704493


Spectrum® Word Problems for grade 7, includes focused practice for essential math skills. Skills include:

  • Real world applications
  • Multi-step word problems
  • Fractions, decimals, and percents
  • Ratio and proportion
  • Metric and customary measurement
  • Graphs, probability, and statistics
  • Geometry
  • Perimeter, area, and volume
  • Variables, expressions, and equations

Spectrum® Word Problems workbooks supplement classroom work and proficiency test preparation. The workbooks provide examples of how the math skills students learn in school apply to everyday life with challenging, multi-step word problems. It features practice with word problems that are an essential part of the state standards, making it a perfect supplement at home or school.

Product Details

EDM13944, 704493

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